This post is part of my 31 days of Love Letters series. Click here to see the rest of the posts in the series.
Dear Nashville,
It is so easy to love you in the fall. Your blue skies and crisp mornings (although lately they’ve been a bit warm if you ask me, could you work on that?) are hard to miss. Everyone notices it, and everyone loves you right now.
I love that when school is out of session for fall break everyone in the whole city collectively breathes in deeply and slows right down. Traffic is lighter, there are more children on the swings in the park. I love that.
I love that you’re small enough to see neighbors in the store but big enough to always have something to do. I love that I finally know your roads well enough to not always need the GPS, and to know which direction traffic moves when.
I love your music and the culture that comes with it. I love your hipsters and your country boys and your preppy Vandy kids too. I love that the city feels young and alive and constantly changing.
I love that you welcomed me home after a year apart and I love that I can imagine setting roots down here. Actually, I love that I don’t have to imagine. I love setting down roots here.
I love that people say y’all and ask me why I walk so fast. I love being able to learn a slower way of life and I love your accents and sayings. I love your people, Nashville. I love that your neighborhoods have diversity and character and immigrants from all over and I love that we’ve all been dropped off in this little spot on the map to learn how to love each other.
I love your food and your parks and your culture. I know if ever I should go from here, you’ll be the measuring stick by which I compare all future cities.
Nashville, I think you might be the one. At least, I’ll stay for now to find out.
Photo by Frank Kehren, via flickr
The post A Love Letter to My City appeared first on The Inspired Story.